Contact Pointsharp

Contact information

Pointsharp AB

Phone: +46 (0) 8–601 23 00

Customer help


For customer help, visit:

Service & support

Pointsharp AB offers a variety of support programs. Please note that support comes with a fee and requires support contract.

The following areas are covered by Pointsharp Service & Support:

  • E-mail support.

  • Access to new versions with documentation.

  • Access to product improvements, device drivers and new functions.

  • Technical Assistance assists on-site with roll-outs, upgrades, migrations etc.

Submitting a question

Incident handling using Pointsharp support requires that a support agreement is in place.

You submit questions and errors to the support site,

When you want to submit a question, make sure that you have the following information to hand:

  • Net iD product

  • Net iD product version

  • Operating system

  • Card reader or smart card, or both

Submitting an error found on this site

If you find an error on a page, have questions on the information provided, or think there is information that is missing, you can submit this information using the following procedure:

Click the email icon on top of the page.

  1. Go to the page with the information you want to report.

  2. Go to the section containing the information.

  3. Hover the mouse cursor over the section heading to show the section anchor sign (§) to the left of the heading, and then click the section anchor sign to update the URL to point to the section.

  4. Send an email to, or click the email icon on top of the page, describing your problem or question. Please attach the anchor link in the email.