New and changed features
1.0.3 (Released 2022-04-19, SDK v1.0.3.31 and GUI v3.2.7)
Updated: Backward compability with Net iD Enterprise.
Updated: PIN expire status for update counter missing.
Added: Workstation Lock Down for Windows.
Added: Mifare initial support.
Added: Pre-login enroll/unlock. (Proof of Concept)
Added: MSI installation package.
Added: Allow/Deny mechanisms.
Added: Automatic PIN logout.
Added: Taskbar icon depending on token/certificate present.
Fixed: Write retired certificate 3-20 for PIV smart cards.
Fixed: Unlock in Credential Provider.
Fixed: Shell extension encryption.
Fixed: Windows Server 2012 R2 support.
Fixed: UWP app authentication using Microsoft CredUI dialog.
Other changes and fixes, see Detailed release information.