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netid.exe -trace - manage the trace functionality


netid.exe -trace [enable|disable|open|clear]|
    [split thread <file-path>]|[parse <file-path>]


The trace command manages the Net iD Client’s trace functionality.


Manage the ongoing trace

These options effects the ongoing trace.


Start the trace.


Stop the trace.


Open the trace.


Delete the trace information.

Manage recorded trace files

The split and the parse options change how the trace information is stored and viewed on a recorded trace file.

split <file-path>

The split command puts the trace information for each process into different files. The file-path value is the full path to the trace file.

split thread <file-path>

The split thread command puts the trace information for each process and thread into different files. The thread option is optional. The file-path value is the full path to the trace file.

parse <file-path>

The trace parse option tries to translate the trace file to a format that is easier to read. The file-path value is the full path to the trace file.

The parsing can take time. If you have anti-virus software that monitors HTML-files, try not including the directory to speed up the parsing.