Using Net iD Portal Front
Generate an OTP to issue a mobile soft token
This procedure describes how the end user generates a one type password (OTP) to be used when issuing a mobile soft token.
Log in to the service using the personal identity number (Swedish: personnummer) or via an AppSwitch. If no value is given for the personal identity number the AppSwitch will be used through the entire process.
Acknowledge the OTP request by making a signature in Net iD Access using a smart card, hardware token, or a current soft token.
The request is processed in Net iD Portal after signing and the OTP is shown in the web browser.
Generate an OTP to issue a secondary certificate
This procedure describes how to generate a one type password (OTP) to be used when issuing a secondary certificate to smart cards or other types of hardware tokens.
An officer in another organization than the organization that initially issued the end user’s smart card, or hardware token, creates a task to give the user the right to issue secondary certificates.
Log in to the service using the personal identity number (Swedish: personnummer) or via an AppSwitch. If no value is given for the personal identity number the AppSwitch will be used through the entire process.
Acknowledge the OTP request by making a signature in Net iD Access using a smart card, hardware token.
If Microsoft IE is used as web browser, the user is automatically logged in to Net iD Portal selfservice. When using other web browsers, the OTP is shown and must then be typed for logging in to Net iD Portal selfservice.