New and changed features
5.5.3 customer specific prerelease (Not released)
Component versions: NiP API v5.5.3.81 and NiP GUI v1.6.121.
Updates, see detailed information below.
Fixes, see detailed information below.
5.5.2 customer specific (Released 2018-09-03)
Component versions: NiP API v5.5.2.69 and NiP GUI v1.6.107.
Updates, see detailed information below.
Fixes, see detailed information below.
5.5.1 FRC (Released 2018-07-13)
Component versions: NiP API v5.5.1.66 and NiP GUI v1.6.103.
Additional GUI features, see detailed information below.
Card history for token objects.
Information for smart cards regarding letter number and send date of PIN/PUK letters.
Possible to add a whitelist of user groups for a specific token template.
Task for ordering of smart cards from card manufacturer divided into two tasks: ordering and handing out to end user.
TPM support as proof-of-concept (not generally supported).
Fixes, see detailed information below.
5.5.0 customer specific (Released 2018-03-09)
Component versions: NiP API v5.5.0.48 and NiP GUI v1.6.83.
Additional GUI features for:
mobile device certificate issuance
officer GUI
self-service GUI
Fixes, see detailed information below.
5.5.0 customer specific prerelease (Released 2018-02-09)
Component versions: NiP API v5.5.0.34 and NiP GUI v1.6.72.
Acquis, possible to force officers to approve before issuing of certificates
Admin GUI, enhanced to make the configurations easier for administrators
Functions and Function certificates (EndEntity), new structure/functionality for functions similar to users
Whitelists for functions and function certificates
New mobile device token types: PhoneStd, PhoneLtd, TabletStd and TabletLtd
Bootstrap process at first installation of NiP
Support for Gemalto SIS Capture Station light (included with SIS Capture Station v3.5.1)
Support for new Gemalto services
Rebuilt framework for offices (changed demands regarding transfer of office information to Gemalto).
New batch ordering inteface (changed demands regarding transfer of office information to Gemalto).