Additional info
To add or update this information from the GUI, go to
.Certificate templates (Web server)
Additional info for certificate templates is only required when you are going to enroll web server certificates.
Example of Additional info
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TaskType Id="300" Name="EnrollServer">
<Value>Government Entity</Value>
Example of Additional info for organization
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RequestMessage>Handläggare {internal.user.displayname} har begärt ett servercertifikat.</RequestMessage>
<ApprovalMessage>Din begäran om servercertifikat med namn {internal.task.subjectcommonname} har godkänts för vidare behandling.</ApprovalMessage>
<DenialMessage>Din begäran om servercertifikat med namn {internal.task.subjectcommonname} har avslagits med följande anledning: {internal.task.message}.</DenialMessage>
<Flag Id="0x1" Name="Secrecy">
<Headline>Receipt of token</Headline>
<ContentType>Enrolled token</ContentType>
<OfficerSignature>Officer signature:</OfficerSignature>
<UserSignature>User signature:</UserSignature>
<ReceiptUser>Receipt of user:</ReceiptUser>
<Separator />
<CounterLimit> (1)
<TaskType Id="100" Name="CreateUser">2</TaskType>
<TaskType Id="303" Name="CreateServer">1</TaskType>
<TaskType Id="101" Name="UpdateUser">
<TaskType Id="122" Name="EnrollUserPhoneStd">
<TaskType Id="106" Name="GenerateOneTimePassword">
<TaskType Id="115" Name="EnrollUserAdditionalSelf">
<Style />
<Message>This is the Message tag in the xml</Message>
<Verify>Your verification code is: {internal.protected.otp}</Verify>
<Message>Your certificate named "{internal.certificate.subject}" will be expired "{internal.certificate.validto}".</Message>
<Message>A server certificate with subject '{internal.certificate.subject}' expires '{internal.certificate.validto}'.</Message>
<Default nip_admin_editable="true" nip_admin_type="textarea" nip_admin_name="Standardmeddelande">Your user profile or token/certificate has been updated.</Default>
<Separator />
<Approvement />
<Separator />
<Type Id="0" Name="Default">
<Type Id="1" Name="EndEntity">
1 | XML attribute to limit the number of active tasks of a certain type. |
Example of Token additional info
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
If OfficeReference and OfficeCode are not specified the ID value from the database is used instead.
Example of Office additional info
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>