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Logging in


The administrator user interface can be accessed through a separate URL or as a tab within the officer GUI. This behavior is configured in the configuration file config.js for the GUI. Administrators must be given the proper subset of privileges to be able to access the Admin GUI.


The administrator needs a smart card with trusted user certificates to be able to logon to the Admin GUI. If the administrator has multiple certificates on the smart card a certificate selection has to be made. It is possible to configure if the logon certificate has to contain certain fields in the certificate subject to avoid the selection. The configuration is done in the configuration file config.js for the GUI.

Login dialog
Figure 1. Login dialog

Start Page

The start page is shown after the logon. Depending on the administrator’s other access rights, only the Administration tab will be shown or some other tabs will be shown as well.

Administrator start page
Figure 2. Administrator start page