Release information, detailed / GUI 1.7.13
Added: Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2019.
Added: Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Core.
Added: Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2017.
Added: Support and requirement of Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2.
Added: Support for Swedish Tax Agency Navet update January 2019.
Added: Support for YubiKey v5 PIV tokens.
Added: New token profile: IDEMIA AWP (IAS ECC 2.0.0).
Added: New token type: Other.
Added: Support for Inera PU-tjänst (RIV-TA service) version 3.1.
Added: Certificate & key recovery functionality [PROOF-OF-CONCEPT ONLY, not supported]
Updated: Database
Discontinued: Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 R2.
Added: PluginDeleteAllObjects (with ID 64) as new task action type property.
Added: Support for generating token key with any PIN-type.
Added: Support for Microsoft Enrollment Agent structure:
Possible to use Microsoft Certificate Authority with signature agent certificate as CMC requests.
Added: Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2019:
Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services 10.0 (17763).
Microsoft Internet Information Services 10.0 (17763).
Microsoft Certificate Authority 10.0 (17763).
Added: Tasks:
Support for computer/server searching against LDAP:
Added Task: CreateServerBind.
Support for certificate recovery structure:
Added Tasks: RecoverCertificate, RecoverCertificateToken and RecoverCertificateTokenSoft.
Possible to revoke all tokens for a user.
Task.Action.Execute<SendDeleteToPaperCut, 44>:
Possible to delete a user against PaperCut printer systems.
Task.Action.Execute<SendRevertToPaperCut, 43>:
Possible to revert a temporary contactless value to a user’s original/standard smart card against PaperCut printer systems.
Possible to send card number and PIN for a user into PaperCut printer systems.
Task.Action.Execute<UpdateToken, 210>:
Possible to update static token information from task.
Task.Action.Prepare<GetTokenCertificates, 217>.
Task.ObjectDescription into log search list.
Task: UpdateOrganizationCertificate:
Possible to add multiple organization certificates for different kind of purposes (useful when mixing RSA and ECC).
Added: Verification of calling assembly when detecting external calls.
Enhanced performance:
parallell audit-log calls.
LogServer with enhanced performance against row id call.
Enhanced: Support for ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) [PROOF-OF-CONCEPT ONLY, not supported]:
Support: NIST_P256, NIST_P384 and NIST_P521 for ECDSA and ECDH.
Support: Key derivation for certificates containing key agreement (useful for encryption).
Support: Sign/verify of data.
Support: Sign/verify of hash.
Enhanced: Support for Microsoft CNG (Cryptography Next Generation):
Native XML signature structure will now use CNG instead of CAPI.
Updated: Structures:
Certificate database table structure with indexed rows instead of GUID.
Code-letter reprint order structure:
Code-letter reprint orders against Gemalto will use a web service interface instead of FTP.
Derivation structure with verifying the encryption counter against session-ticket.
External server object structure.
LDAP-attribute filtering structure:
with returning items from DirectoryServices only, depending on configuration.
with using "OR" conditions for several values in same attribute.
Login structure:
Possible to configurate allowed key usage for login certificates.
Office structure:
Added: New task fields.
Added: New database tables and relations.
Discontinued: OfficeAddress object structure.
PaperCut structure with possibility to specify http/https from task-configuration.
Token order structure:
Check for office digest before creating office reference against token manufacturer.
Certificate template names will be included in order for personalized tokens.
Updated: Tasks:
Create-/Update Organization tasks:
Added: Mediation task name (will be used as C/O address when ordering objects against token manufactuerer for users with secrecy).
Create-/Update server tasks:
Added: Email and Phone input fields.
Create-/Update TokenTemplate tasks:
Updated: CertificateTemplateId input fields to non-required.
RevokeTokenCertificate and RevokeTokenCertificateDelete tasks:
Check for condition of additional info for CertificateTemplate/TokenKeyReference/ReadOnly when loading certificate list.
Updated: Configuration file (web.Config) with added secured tag for http-cookie.
Updated: CreateTokenBatch:
Added support for multiple unlock password types (explicit for the IDEMIA AWP card only).
Updated: Create-/Update CertificateAuthority:
Added: SignatureCertificateHash input fields.
Updated: Gemalto order interoperability module:
Support for code letter reprint orders.
Support for dynamic certificate template name list.
Updated: GemaltoOrderStatus:
Changed manufacturer production status condition of process from DELIVERED to WAIT FOR PIN for personalized token orders.
Extra error information (ErrorCode, ErrorText and ErrorDescription) saved into Task.State.Additional if present.
Updated: ICitizenService interface with mapping new flag ProtectedPopulation to user-flag 0x1 (secrecy).
Updated: LogServer with new API-calls.
Updated: Monitor, now possible to notify when server certificates is expiring.
Updated: Singleton instance declaration.
Updated: SynchronizeUser:
Updates: Synchronize userPrincipalName LDAP-attribute when call SynchronizeUser.
Updated: Task.Action.Execute<CreateUser>: Changed AdditionalIdentity-UPN flag to be searchable.
Updated: Task.Action.Execute<RevokeUserTokens> with possible to add status reason.
Updated: TraceServer with new API-calls.
Discontinued Gemalto integrations (replaced with new WebServices):
Discontinued: Trace operations through the API.
Discontinued: Verification of serialNumber field content when call Create-/UpdateUser.
Added: Activity: PersonalInformation:
Possible to search for personal information of a user. Useful for GDPR demands.
Added: Locality, State and Country attributes into organization object.
Added: New privilege: DirectoryUserSearchPretermit.
Added: New token type: Other.
Possible to use the token type Other for non-PKI tokens.
Possible to order non-PKI tokens as chipless cards from card manufacturer.
Added: New token profile with Label: Other and Model: Other.
Angular bootstrap and jquery libs updated
Issues regarding Oberthur cards with two PUKs:
Changing PUK2 for Oberthur cards with two PUKs
Changing two PUKs and one SO-key caused two attempts to change SO-key for Oberhur cards.
Unlocking PINs for Oberthur cards with two PUKs.
Added config.js configurations:
Search and List definitions (What is shown when you search for an object)
Reading of Mifare number.
Parameter(s) "genericName-XXX". Used for to display dynamic information regarding the object.
"autoBindUser": true will cause the task createuserbind to be called when opening an external user.
default "ObjectDescription" for search type log. To change this behavior use the parameter "SearchDefinitions"
Possible to create a local server object via CreateUserBind
Made Mifare Config configurable per task with parameter object "MifareConfig"
Removed "back button" since it caused problems.
New text strings