Release information, detailed
A string #XXX-NNN-NNNNN denotes the internal ticket ID for a task. | / GUI 1.8.18:
Added: Alias users features:
Listing of alias users connected to a user. #JSH-197-25821
Unbinding of alias user connected to a user. #XPY-239-70057
Possibility to exclude certificate templates for alias users. #ATF-539-68521
Added: Employment start date with restrictions before start date.
Added: NiP Licensing. #EQU-294-86269
Added: Support for signing tasks with PIN1. #EWD-485-11721
Added: Automatically set user status to 'Terminated' when directory service user is disabled. #TQR-586-55877
Updated: TokenProfile configuration with possibility to set default TokenTemplateId. #XIT-125-83795
Updated: Token additional information:
Serial numbers and contactless serial number shown under token additional information. #CJR-318-59445
Token model shown under token additional information. #REC-164-33013
Support for Thales IDPrime 940 and IDPrime 3940 smart cards.
Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2019.
Added: AliasUserList when call GetObject<USER>. #JSH-197-25821
Updated: CreateTask structure with added validation of maximum limit of tasks for current user. #FZQ-239-24252
Added: EmploymentStartDate type into user object.
Added: Structure for server license. #EQU-294-86269
Added: Task.Action.Prepare<PingCertificateAuthority> to detect availability of the certificate authority. #HHV-485-81120
Added: Token.SequenceNumber1, Token.SequenceNumber2 and Token.Contactless types when call Search<Token>. #CJR-318-59445
Updated: Behavior of using ProtectionPopulation flag. #EPO-744-93346, #BEL-792-57733
Updated: Database.
Updated: External token order module with trace of complete signed XML blob.
Updated: GetObject<ApplicationInfo>:
API call with enhanced performance.
added copyright information.
Updated: GetObject<Token> with added ProfileName type. #REC-164-33013
Updated: GetObject<User> structure with added User.UniqueName into response. #OFK-506-32890
Updated: Report structure with date/datetime validation.
Updated: Search<User> structure with added User.UniqueName for local items into response. #EQU-685-31785
Updated: Setup mode:
Usage behavior when login in setup mode.
Added status code 'NPR_SYSTEM_SETUPMODE' as system message when login in setup mode.
Task<FinalizeSetup> with removed system message.
Updated: Task.Action.Execute<CreateTask> with using TokenTemplateId as reference in TokenProfile. #XIT-125-83795
Updated: Task.Action.Execute<UpdateSettings> with re-initialize settings cache only for better performance.
Updated: Task<CreateCertificateAuthority> with added AuthenticationCertHash type for PrimeKey EJBCA. #DTG-746-21048
Updated: TimerServiceMonitor-module with task for change users employment status when employment end date is reached. #ZAI-758-93215
Updated: TokenTemplateRestriction.RequireNationalResidential with check for national address as well as emigrated. #NJG-648-39695
Updated: Task validation with comparision of current inputfield if set to readonly.
Updated: UpdateUser structure with permission of EnrollUserAdditionalSelf privilege.
Discontinued: Bootstrap structure in application,
Discontinued: Bootstrap installation with NiP Commander, replaced by NiP Install.
Discontinued: Limitation of not being able to set user employment status to 'Terminated' if having active tokens. #TQR-586-55877
Added: New privilege: DeleteUserAliasBinding with ID 114. #XPY-239-70057
Added: New task: DeleteUserAliasBinding with ID 129. #XPY-239-70057
Added: Possible to show User.UniqueName in user post. #OFK-506-32890
Updated: EnrollInfo structure with possibility to exclude certificate templates for alias users. #ATF-539-68521
Updated: Task<SynchronizeUser> with setting the user employment status to 'Terminated' when directory service user is disabled. #TQR-586-55877
Updated: TimerService settings with possibility to run module in a time range.
Added: 'About' in the user menu for license information. #OXP-294-49260
Added: Customized presentation strings when matching signature for task. #EWD-485-11721
Added: EmploymentFromDate in user object presentation.
Updated: Text resources