Detailed release information / GUI 1.6.48 (customer specific release)
Updated: Behavior of calling task lists:
Discontinued: Merging of "task-type <> privilege-type" and "current-user <> privilege-type".
- / GUI 1.6.48
Updates/Fixes since the FRC release is marked with '*'.
Component versions: NiP API v5.3.0.20 and NiP GUI v1.6.31.
Major performance enhancements
System messages to users, for instance for info regarding production maintenance. Multi-lingual support.
Support for cross search between organizations when calling Search<USER, TOKEN or SERVER>.
Support for auto-switch between organizations when calling GetObject<USER, TOKEN or SERVER> (Proof of Concept only).
Support for generation of QR-codes (for future purposes only).
Support for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
Performance enhancements:
Improved thread handling when using database.
Fixed: Issue with performance when combining delegation and release of task.
Added: Support for GZ-compression.
Commander with command switch for deserialization.
Added: SessionCache structure.
Added: OrganizationCache structure.
Updated structure for paging.
Updated structure for searching.
Updated structure for GetObject<User>.
Updated structure for GetObject<Token>.
Updated structure for detecting and invoking Log4Net for tracing.
Updated structure for detecting and invoking TraceServer for tracing.
Removed unused references.
Increased performance at login (estimated to 54% of time).
Increased performance at usability view (estimated to 93% of time).
Decreased size of encrypted data blobs with compression (estimated to 52% of size).
Improved run time: More stable interfaces and handlers.
Improved task structure:
More stable structure and execution of tasks that are waiting for external processes.
Improved feature: ReleaseTask
Combined structure when read/update task and task list against:
Locked to current user.
Released to everyone.
Delegated to group.
Released within group.
Improved log structure:
Added auto-start of GenericService if stopped.
Added failed tasks into log.
Added possibility to initalize task log as Task.Action.Execute<LogTask>.
Added: Support for GZ-compression (requires NiP GUI 1.6.3 (or higher) and NiE (or higher))
Updated: Task: CreateUserBind:
CommonName attribute will be used as DisplayName when using LDAP directory services.
Updated: Notification of certificate expiration in TimerService module*.
Updated: Behavior of permission when using delegation of task actions*.
Updated: API encryption/serialization structure with check of session id and count types.
Updated: API with exception of "NPR_TASK_DELEGATED" in trace.
Updated: Database context for forward compatibility against version 5.4.
Added: Support for signing time (time stamp) structure in CSR from client.
Updated: TokenOrder structure with RevocationOrder:
Possible to revoke tokens against manufacturer (for future purposes only).
Added: Start-/end-search date for report (if configured)*.
Added: 'Show' button for historical tokens, will require 'Id' present in object*.
Updated: User.TokenList with certificate validity if token validity if not present*.
Added: New task: ExportConfiguration:
Possible to export the configuration from database tables into XML data set.
Updated: Commander with command switch for deserialization.
Updated: Swedish Tax Agency Navet module with complete new service structure.
Updated: LDAP search with possibility for configure the LDAP search filter string.
Added: Support for system messages, multi-lingual.
Added: Pagination for reports
Added: Field policy CharacterCount.Series
Added: Help text for task drop-down list field*.
Added: "Don’t show this again" checkbox for information popups*.
Added: Presentation of "user image available"*.
Added: 'Organization' in search result list for USER/TOKEN/SERVER (if present)*.
Added: Auto-switch of organization theme (autoSwitchOrganizationTheme true/false)*.
Added: Auto-search as configuration (autoSearchOnInput true/false)*.
Updated: Fixed help strings for some button actions.
Updated: Field type 'searchlist' to be able to search in long list*.
Updated: Text resources*.
Change: Check token tile will not auto-load user object. Instead will only display name be retrieved from server and the user object is loaded when selected.
Changed icon-image from 'Glyphicons'-font to real image for 'help', 'cancel', 'left', 'right', 'calender', 'validity-ok' and 'validity-bad'*.
Removed go-back when failed to open task for user-/token-/server-/admin-object*.
Fixed help popup for tiles.
Fixed help-popup for task-list action button*.
Fixed some problems when changed icon-image from 'Glyphicons'-font to real image*.
Fixed: Issue with XML signature when sending batch token order to manufacturer.
Issue with missing certificate store type when creating organization objects.
Issue with value in trace for GetToken<id>.
Issue with escape characters for LDAP distinguishedName attribute.
Issue with boolean when parse XML.
Fixed: Issue with references when call DeleteUser*.
Fixed: Issue with probably missing types from ICitizenService.SwedishTaxAgencyNavet*.
Fixed: Issue with verification failure of multiple certificate distribution points*.