
This diagram describes the relationship between Organizations, User groups, Roles, and Privileges. For a list of privileges, see Officer privileges and Administrator privileges

hide footbox

actor User as U

box "Organizations"
participant Organization_A as A
participant Organization_B as B
end box

box "User groups"
participant Group_G as G
participant Group_H as H
end box

box "Roles"
participant Role_X as X
participant Role_Y as Y
end box

box "Privileges"
participant Privilege_1 as 1
participant Privilege_2 as 2
end box

U->A: User is member of Organization A
A->B: Organization A has a relation to Organization B
B->A: Organization access granted
B->U: User gets access to Organization B according to the organization access list

U->G: User is a member of Group G
U->H: User is a member of Group H

G->X: Group G is member Role X
X->1: Role X is member of Privilege 1

H->Y: Group H is member Role Y
Y->2: Role Y is member of Privilege 2

G->U: Subset of privileges
H->U: Subset of privileges
