New and changed features
5.8.2 (Released 2021-05-04)
Component versions: NiP API v5.8.2.52 and NiP GUI v1.9.34.
Enhanced support for PaperCut printer systems.
Added "Title" for token orders of "tjänstekort".
Added support for PIN3 against supported tokens.
Updated GDPR-feature, privilege LogView och LogSearch not needed.
Updated behavior for revocation of tokens through self-service, privilege "TokenRevoke" not needed.
Updated audit-log with added ObjectDescription into critera list.
Show unique IDs for persons, tokens and tasks in GUI.
Enhanced possibilities for HTML formatting in text resources.
Support for upload of *.csr and *.req.
Several updates for end entity certificates (Status column, whitelists etc.).
For other updates and fixes, see detailed information below.