
Improve the SID structure of check for existence.

Added check for existence that the SID-information belongs to correct item. NIP-637

Improve the SID structure of check for requirement.

Added possibility of requirement of SID-information in specified tasks. NIP-639

Improve audit log search with detection of social security number directive.

Added detection of social security number format when searching the audit log. NIP-606

Improve default key-id against YubiKey configuration.

Added default mapping for specific key-id when generating keypairs against YubiKey tokens. NIP-651

Improve DeleteUser with control of existing subordinated objects.

Added possibility to check of existence of subordinated objects for a user when delete, for example, ongoing tasks, active tokens etc. NIP-646

Add possibility to store card vendor actions as audit log items.

Added external card vendor operations against the audit log. NIP-87

Improve server item with extra contact information.

Added email and phone attributes when loading server objects. NIP-618

Update task type condition for OrderCodeLetter.

Added condition of active distributed token before ordering code letter item of the token. NIP-98

Update behavior of reference when renew certificate against another certificate authority.

Improved behavior of references when renew certificate against another certificate authority. NIP-653

Update behavior of registering non-chip tokens using GemaltoOrderStatus TS-module.

Added specified non-chip tokens against the token register data table at card vendor order. NIP-645

Update behavior when search for local items combined with LDAP.

Improved behavior of return only one item when search users locally combined with LDAP. NIP-94

Improve description of current object in task.

Improved behavior of loading name and serial number attributes as default if no object description could be found in task list. NIP-605

Add possibility to specify length of GeneratePassword preparing type.

Improved password generation as customized specified length. NIP-624

Improve the automatic token status operation in TimerService.

Improved behavior of Soft- and Mobile tokens to be expired or historical even if token does not have any expiration validity specification. NIP-631

Improve behavior of RevokeUserTokens structure using revocation reason status.

Improved the feature RevokeUserTokens using the default revocation reason status specification. NIP-634

Update challenge response data with subordinated blocks.

Improved presentation of response (using C/R) with subordinated blocks of four character per block. NIP-592

Improve PaperCut integration with token type conditions.

Improved PaperCut integration using different kind of tokens, not only smart cards. NIP-659

Improve GemaltoOrderStatus TS-module with trace.

Added specific trace of loading appearance of a person against the token register at external card vendor order operations. NIP-640


Update behavior of login when create a new token as TPM.

Updated plugin-feature CreateToken with no authentication to token if token is TPM. NIP-635