
Enhanced support for extended key slots against Yubikey version 5.

Possible to enroll certificates to Yubikeys extended key slots. NIP-61

Add byte order mark when return report data as UTF-8 format.

The API will always return the report-data with byte order marks in the response when using UTF-8. NIP-67

Make sure that latest user information is stored in end-entity object against EJBCA.

The API will now publish the latest user data against the end-entity object of the EJBCA. NIP-88

Update structure for data store against nvarchar/varchar(max) in database.

The API will now set NULL if string is empty when storage type is set to max in the database table. NIP-93

Update the OrderStatus-module (Thales) with default unlock password structure.

The API will now use the default unlock password structure configured in the token profile manager. NIP-585

Update the CertificateOrder-module (Thales) with default unlock password structure.

The API will now use the default unlock password structure configured in the token profile manager. NIP-586


Add TokenModel for PluginCreateToken.

The GUI can now use the TokenModel parameter when creating a token (e.g. SoftToken/TPM etc.). NIP-85

Improve task action name mapping.

The GUI will now use specific name of task action. NIP-595