New and changed features
5.3.3 (Released 2018-02-16):
Component versions: NiP API v5.3.3.36 and NiP GUI v1.6.48.
Fixes, se information below.
5.3.2 (Released 2017-12-13):
Component versions: NiP API v5.3.2.32 and NiP GUI v1.6.48.
Customer specific release, see information below.
5.3.0 (Released 2017-12-13):
Component versions: NiP API v5.3.0.28 and NiP GUI v1.6.48.
Major performance enhancements.
Support for cross search between organizations.
Support for auto-switch between organizations when calling GetObject<USER, TOKEN or SERVER> (Proof of Concept only).
System messages to users, for instance for info regarding production maintenance.
Support for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.