Additional services

Following are the additional services supported by NiP API.

Directory service

Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD DS)

MSAD DS can be used when getting users from current environment. NiP API will use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for access of the user object. It’s possible to store a user from current environment into Net iD Portal system database.

Microsoft Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (MSAD LDS)

MSAD LDS can be used when getting users from current environment. NiP API will use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for access of the user object. It’s possible to store a user from current environment into the Net iD Portal system database.

National Citizen register services

National citizen register services can be used when creating users based on citizen identity numbers. For the moment the Swedish registers Navet (Swedish Tax Agency) and the PU service (Inera) are supported. It’s possible to store a user and information from a national citizen register into the Net iD Portal system database.