Detailed release information
Auto-register for Omnissa (VMWare) Horizon
Trace for virtual channel (VDP).
Configuration for max time when setting up proxy connection.
Configuration for Credential Provider waiting for internal update.
Sanity check of configuration variable General>MutexTimeout.
Optional description for virtual channel connect.
All UX source code (instead of separate projects).
Auto-correct for retrieving KSP provider parameters.
Configuration condition mode setup-silent.
Dialog parameter -foreground for Windows.
Parameter Plugin > FindParentWindow=0/1.
More pin types for pin policy.
Support verify PKCS#7 ECC signature without authenticated attributes.
Plugin support invoke 'WebAuthN'
Command line support '-webauthn'
Change PIN error check: will not allow same value for old and new PIN.
Copyright 2025.
Presentation of "UpdateCount" object for Net iD Command.
Developer Studio make files for Windows updated to include ARM64.
Automatic report result for Credential Provider if ReportResult not called.
Linux gui/app build with both webkit2gtk-4.1 and webkit2gtk-4.0.
WebAuthN implementation build without Windows platform SDK.