

netid.exe -resource – update internal resources such as icon images or configuration


netid.exe -resource [load -content <path> -file|path <path>]|[extract -content <path> -file|path <path>]|[set -content <path> -id <id> -file|path <path> -compress -protect]|[get -content <path> -id <id> -file|path <path> -expand]|[diff -base <original-library> -diff <updated-library> -path <binary>]


The resource command updates the internal resources, such as icon images or configuration.



-content <path>


-file <path>, -path <path>

Full path to the file. The file and path options are interchangeable.


Extracts content, such as icon images or configuration, from the file specified in the full path in -file.

-content <path>

The folder to where to extract the content.

-file <path>, path <path>

Full path to the file to extract. The file and path options are interchangeable.


Add content, such as icon images or configuration, to the file.

-content <path>

Full path to the file to add.

-id <id>


-file <path>, path <path>

Full path to the file. The file and path options are interchangeable.


Compress the data. Optional argument


Add internal protection of the data. Optional argument


-content <path>


-id <id>

The id parameter depends on the type of data to be loaded:

  • #1.manifest ⇒ Manifest resource, always stored with id 1.

  • #100 ⇒ Data resource with id 100

  • #100.ico ⇒ ICO image resource, stored with id 100

  • #100.bmp ⇒ BMP image resource, stored with id 100

  • data.html ⇒ HTML file resource that may be loaded as dialog resource (res:///data.html)

  • data.ico ⇒ ICO image resource, stored with name data.ico

  • data.bmp ⇒ BMP image resource, stored with name data.bmp

-file <path>, path <path>

Full path to the file. The file and path options are interchangeable.


Expand, or decompress, the data. Optional argument


Loads resource difference in libraries to binary. Used to limit size of custom packages (installations) and is for internal use only.

-base <path>

Full path to original library.

-diff <path>

Full path to updated library.

-path <path>

Full path to binary.



Example 1. load option
$ netid.exe -resource load -content C:\Temp\load\ -file C:\Temp\netid.dll


Example 2. extract option
$ netid.exe -resource extract -file C:\Temp\netid.dll -content C:\Temp\extract\
Example 3. extract option. Calling application content will be extracted:
$ netid.exe -resource extract -content C:\Temp\content
Configuration file will only be allowed to extract if package is not built with static configuration.


Example 4. set option
$ netid.exe -resource set -content C:\Temp\data.bin -id <id> -file C:\Temp\netid.dll
Example 5. set option with compression and protection.

The resource set option can also compress and add internal protection of the data.

$ netid.exe -resource set -content C:\Temp\data.bin -id <id> -file C:\Temp\netid.dll -compress -protect


Example 6. get option
$ netid.exe -resource get -content C:\Temp\data.bin -id <id> -file C:\Temp\netid.dll
Example 7. get option with decompression.

The resource get option can also expand, or decompress, the data.

$ netid.exe -resource get -content C:\Temp\data.bin -id <id> -file C:\Temp\netid.dll -expand


Example 8. diff option
$ netid.exe -resource diff -base "C:\Temp\netid1.dll" -diff "C:\Temp\netid2.dll" -path "C:\Temp\netid.exe"