AtrAllow, AtrDeny
Net iD Client tries to use all smart cards with known ATRs (answer to reset). But there are situations when other clients should handle specific smart cards, so you can add a whitelist or blacklist of supported ATRs.
The AutoUpdateKeyId parameter updates all connecting objects when CKA_ID is updated for an object. CKA_ID is used to connect private-key, public-key, and certificate. When this parameter is activated, an update of a private-key will also update the public-key and certificate.
Net iD Client uses any algorithm supported by the smart card. Some smart cards can configure support of the raw RSA algorithm so that the smart cards look identical. They will sometimes support raw RSA and sometimes not. To tell that raw RSA is supported when it is not can result in applications failing to use the smart card. This parameter disables raw RSA support even when the smart card implementation supports it.
This setting does not have any effects on smart cards without raw RSA support. |
The smart card cache stores all public data from the smart card to avoid reading the same data many times since the reading can be slow. The cache uses the cache service if it is available. It can also store the data on disk to keep the data even if the computer is rebooted. Persistent cache will store public data from the smartcard, i.e. certificates, in a location relative to local configuration.
The CalculateUsedTime adds an internal counter that tracks the execution time and records that to the trace file.
The ClearPinAttemptsCache parameter will control what happens with that cache value when smart card is removed. Set to 1 (active) to clear the value and set to 0 (inactive) for no action at removal. Can also be controlled with ATR/Token.
Command chaining is a method of sending data to the smart card that exceed 256 bytes. Normally this is handled by the smart card implementation, so never change this value.
The update counter is needed to track updates of objects or PIN on the smart cards. Some smart cards have a built-in update counter, and other allows the creation of a custom data object that will store this information. This parameter controls the creation and will only create if enabled.
Default profile is used when it is not possible to identify the smart card profile. It is used to investigate the smart card but should never be used for production environments.
Acceptable values are:
GemSAFE v1
GemSAFE v2
The minimum and maximum sizes of RSA are specified in the smart card implementation. But it is possible to change those values for some smart cards. The upper WORD contains the minimum size, and the lower WORD contains the maximum size.
The minimum and maximum sizes of ECC are specified in the smart card implementation. But it is possible to change those values for some smart cards. The upper WORD contains the minimum size, and the lower WORD contains the maximum size.
LoginTimeout specifies the number of seconds the login procedure can be inactive for a specified smart card using ATR. The counter resets when the PIN is used.
Resets the counter:
Login (when already logged in)
Key usage (sign/verify/encrypt/decrypt/etc.)
Card update (create/delete/etc.)
Does not reset the counter:
Search for object
Reading object
Login status check
LoginTimeout=<time pin1> <time pin2> <time pin3>,<atr>;
- time_pin1
Number of seconds that PIN 1 is valid, that is, for how long the login procedure can be inactive.
- time_pin2
Number of seconds that PIN 2 is valid, that is, for how long the login procedure can be inactive.
- time_pin3
Number of seconds that PIN 3 is valid, that is, for how long the login procedure can be inactive.
- atr
Specify the smart card type using ATR.
The MaxProfiles parameter tells the maximum number of smart card profiles. Usually, only one profile is required, but some smart cards contain many profiles.
Most smart cards create objects using primary PIN, even for secondary PIN objects. But some require secondary PIN when creating secondary PIN objects.
Multi-PIN tokens usually update the tokens using PIN1, even for objects connected to PIN2. The NoWriteMapping parameter contains a semicolon-separated list of smart card profiles that require PIN2 for the update of objects connected to PIN2.
For AdmUtil, only the PIN1 dialog is shown when NoWriteMapping is not specified or does not include the profile name.
For AdmUtil, both the PIN1 and PIN2 dialog are shown when NoWriteMapping has a specified value.
NoWriteMapping=PKCS#15;IDPrime SIS
Certificates are sorted based on certificate issuing date.
The complete representation of date and time of day is given by 1970-01-01 00:00:00
Sorting can be based on date, date and time of day, or no sorting.
#define SORT_MODE_NONE 0
#define SORT_MODE_DAY 1
The PinExpire parameter tells the number of days until a PIN change is required. Smart cards that support update counter with timestamps for PIN change can also include an automatic PIN expire functionality. This means that the end-user is forced to change the PIN at regular intervals.
The PinHistory parameter gives the number of old PINs that are kept in a history list. This stops end users from reusing the same PIN.
PIN policy should be stored in the smart card profile. But the configuration can add more requirements. The PinMaxLen parameter tells the maximum number of characters in the PIN.
PIN policy should be stored in the smart card profile But the configuration can add more requirements. The PinMinLen parameter tells the minimum number of characters in the PIN.
PIN policy should be stored in the smart card profile. But the configuration can add more requirements. PinPolicy specifies a policy to use when setting a new PIN on token.
PIN policy should be stored in the smart card profile But the configuration can add more requirements. The PinType parameter tells that a specific PIN policy is necessary.
// Password type:
// 0 -> all chars (case sensitive)
// 1 -> all chars (case insensitive)
// 2 -> all chars (max 2 in row or normal/keyboard sequence)
// 3 -> all chars (max 2 in row or normal sequence)
// 4 -> all chars (max 2 in row)
// 5 -> only digits
// 6 -> all chars (max 3 in row or normal/keyboard sequence)
// 7 -> all chars (max 3 in row or normal sequence)
// 8 -> all chars (max 3 in row)
// Normal sequence:
// a-z, z-a, 0-9, 9-0
// Keyboard sequence:
// qwertyuiop, poiuytrewq
// asdfghjkl, lkjhgfdsa,
// zxcvbnm, mnbvcxz,
// qaz, zaq, wsx, xsw, ...
A calling application can send the PIN by using CryptSetProvParam
Normally each attempt will result in a call to the smart card.
This parameter can be used to avoid the locking of the PIN.
The last failed attempt with a specific PIN value and container will be remembered, and the call will return failed without an attempt to the smart card.
There is some special handling for temporary smart cards. The TemporaryModel parameter contains a list of semicolon-separated models that are considered to be temporary.
There is some special handling for temporary smart cards. The TemporaryValidity parameter tells the validity period for models that are considered to be temporary.
Challenge-response to unlock PIN is supported on some smart cards. The UseChallengeResponse parameter tells which smart card models that can use challenge-response. Some smart cards use challenge-response for PIN1, and PUK for PIN2, so it is possible to specify different values for each PIN.
UseChallengeResponse=<timeout pin1>[:<size pin1>] <timeout pin2>[:<size pin2>] <timeout pin3>[:<size pin3>],<ATR-model>
For all IDPrime MD cards, you must examine the trace. If only PUK or SO-KEY is given as unlock type, it will be solved automatically.
PIN1 and PIN2 are handled automatically. PIN3 requires configuration settings because PUK is the default usage.
[00003676:00005196] ProfilePrimeMD - Credential PIN1 available (size 6-16, unlock SO-KEY) (1)
[00003676:00005196] ProfilePrimeMD - Credential PIN2 available (size 6-16, unlock PUK) (1)
[00003676:00005196] ProfilePrimeMD - Credential PIN3 available (size 6-16, unlock PUK/SO-KEY) (2)
1 | PIN1 and PIN2 are handled automatically because only SO-KEY or PUK is given as unlock type. |
2 | PIN3 requires configuration settings because PUK is default usage. |
These are the settings for the smart card IDPrime MD 830B where PIN2 uses PUK, but PIN1 and PIN3 use challenge-response.
UseChallengeResponse=180 0 180,IDPrime MD 830B
You do not need to specify the size since it is always 8 bytes. |
The example configuration above is not necessary since the settings specified in the example are set automatically by Net iD Client. |
Some smart cards have an update counter, but may not store a timestamp. Some of those smart cards allows creation of data object, which will allow creation of an internal update counter that can use a timestamp. This timestamp then allows for the PIN expire functionality.
Some smart cards have a reference to the last update counter but did not make this counter updateable, so it must be disabled.
The UseProtectedPUK parameter tells if PUK should be protected in a remote unlock scenario by using internal challenge response.
UseProtectedPUK=<timeout pin1>:<size pin1> <timeout pin2>:<size pin2> <timeout pin3>:<size pin3>,<token1>;<timeout pin1>:<size pin1>,<token2>
Set the timeout and size for each token PIN.
- timeout <pin>
Timeout in seconds.
- size <pin>
The size between 1–16 bytes of challenge generated.
- token
Token name
UseProtectedPUK=180:8,YubiKey;180:8 180:8,Instant
The size of challenge and randomness will tell the strength of encryption. Using 3DES is better than AES from a user perspective, since response size is smaller (8 bytes instead of 16 bytes = 16 characters instead of 32 characters). The strength will be decided by challenge not algorithm. “Good” padding of PUK will decrease brute force risks. 8–15 digits PUK codes can be BCD stored, one digit each nibble (half-byte), and last nibble tell length. 3DES block is always 8 bytes, so the example PUK “12345678” equals 0x12345678???????8, where each question mark (?) can be random. One known challenge and response will be able to extract PUK. |
Sometimes the smart card is updated by an external management software. The ValidateUpdateCounter parameter validates and controls the behavior of the external token update.
Use a hexadecimal bitmask value to set the detect token update behavior.
- 0x00
Detect token update is off.
- 0x01
Detect token update is on, and token is reloaded before update. This is the default value.
- 0x02
Detect token update is on, and token PIN logout before update.
- 0x80
Detect on, update blocked if detected.