InfoAbout=index.html;0x014001A0;;-type about
InfoAdmin=index.html;0x02800200;;-type admin -resizing
InfoChangePIN=index.html;0x01A00144;;-type change
InfoExitWindows=index.html;0x010001A0;0x00040046;-noframe -transparent 0x323232 -type exitwin -noplugin -secure
InfoFileDecrypt=index.html;0x01A000FC;;-type decrypt -resizing
InfoFileEncrypt=index.html;0x01A00160;;-type encrypt -resizing
InfoFileSign=index.html;0x01A00130;;-type sign -resizing
InfoFileVerify=index.html;0x01A000FC;;-type verify -resizing
InfoInsert=index.html;0x01A000CF;;-type insert
InfoNotify=index.html;0x01A000E4;;-center -type notify -resizing
InfoPIN=index.html;0x01A000F0;;-system -type logon
InfoProgress=index.html;0x01000080;;-application -notitle -type progress
InfoSelect=index.html;0x01A0019E;0x00060033;-system -type select
InfoSetup=index.html;0x014001D0;;-type setup -resizing
InfoTest=index.html;0x02800400;;-type test -resizing -timeout 100000
InfoUnlockPIN-CHV=index.html;0x01820160;;-type unlock -resizing
InfoUnlockPIN-PUK=index.html;0x01A00144;;-type unlock -resizing
InfoViewToken=index.html;0x01A00130;;-type token -resizing
The Application parameter tells the application that is called to show the user-interface. Default handling will automatically find the internal application, that is, the Net iD Application or netidapp, so keep empty.
The InfoXXX parameter tells information about each dialog.
InfoXXX=<resource>;<static size>;<dynamic size>;<arguments>
- <resource>
The file that should be loaded. It uses the parameter PathResource to build the full path to the resource.
- <static size>
The size of the dialog. It contains a DWORD value, with upper WORD for width, and lower WORD for height.
- <dynamic size>
The dynamic size of the dialog. It contains a DWORD value, with upper WORD for the number of dynamic items in the current dialog, and lower WORD for height of each dynamic item.
- <arguments> values
The following arguments are accepted as values for Windows, Linux, and macOS:
- -resizing
Allow the dialog box to be resized.
- -noplugin
Dialog blocks call to Plugin component. The GUI can try to use the Plugin component, but this parameter blocks any attempt.
- -type <value>
Internal parameter for GUI. Is used to specify the type of dialog when all dialogs are compressed to a single file. The value of type is depending on GUI.
The following additional argument values are available for Windows only:
- -extract-gui
GUI is usually stored in a binary and can be extracted to disk before it is presented in WebKit. This parameter is needed when using GPO
, since it blocks scripting from resources loaded from binaries. - -foreground
Make the Windows foreground window the parent, so the dialog box opens as a modal window attached to it.
- -noclose
User cannot close the dialog box.
- -noframe
Remove the dialog box frame.
- -notitle
Present dialog without title.
- -secure
Dialog is presented within a new secure desktop.
- -system
Make the dialog box a system modal, so it stays on top of all other windows until closed.
- -transparent 0xRRGGBB
The RGB color code to translate to transparent.
InfoAbout=index.html;0x014001A0;;-type about
InfoAdmin=index.html;0x02800200;;-type admin -resizing
InfoChangePIN=index.html;0x01A00144;;-type change
InfoExitWindows=index.html;0x010001A0;0x00040046;-noframe -transparent 0x323232 -type exitwin -noplugin -secure
InfoFileDecrypt=index.html;0x01A000FC;;-type decrypt -resizing
InfoFileEncrypt=index.html;0x01A00160;;-type encrypt -resizing
InfoFileSign=index.html;0x01A00130;;-type sign -resizing
InfoFileVerify=index.html;0x01A000FC;;-type verify -resizing
InfoInsert=index.html;0x01A000CF;;-type insert
InfoNotify=index.html;0x01A000E4;;-center -type notify -resizing
InfoPIN=index.html;0x01A000F0;;-system -type logon
InfoProgress=index.html;0x01000080;;-application -notitle -type progress
InfoSelect=index.html;0x01A0019E;0x00060033;-system -type select
InfoSetup=index.html;0x014001D0;;-type setup -resizing
InfoTest=index.html;0x02800400;;-type test -resizing -timeout 100000
InfoUnlockPIN-CHV=index.html;0x01820160;;-type unlock -resizing
InfoUnlockPIN-PUK=index.html;0x01A00144;;-type unlock -resizing
InfoViewToken=index.html;0x01A00130;;-type token -resizing
InfoChangePINExpired=index.html;0x01C0014C;;-type change -noclose
The Parameters parameter tells the arguments that should affect all dialogs. It should be considered as a prefix for the arguments part of the dialog configuration.
This is only a convinient way to specify something that should affect all dialogs.
InfoYYY=yyy.html;0x01000100;;-resizing -noplugin
The PathResource parameter tells the path to the resource, will be combined with <resource> part of dialog information to build the full path to the resource.
The full resource path for XXX dialog above is "res:///xxx.html".
PathResource types
Path can be specified with environment variables or point to external internet resources. Thus, it is important to make security considerations before updating this parameter.
The resource path should be a trusted location. |
- res
Internal resource
- file
Local file
- http/https
Internet source